MyCO2 holds an AA1000AS License (000-460) for Assurance Provision and can verify Scope 1, 2, and/or 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for organisations. This verification can be conducted at either a moderate or high engagement level in line with the AA1000 Assurance Standard. Alternatively, it can be carried out at a reasonable or limited engagement level in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements framework.

MyCO2 is thrilled to share that we have become authorised providers of the AA1000AS assurance service. This allows us to offer a range of tasks related to the AA1000AS assurance standard, including sustainability assurance services, where we validate and assess sustainability reports to ensure they comply with AA1000AS standards. Our services will enhance the credibility of your sustainability report / ESG report by comprehensively evaluating your sustainability performance, policies, and processes. We will also independently verify sustainability data and claims, aligning with stakeholder expectations and promoting transparency. Our commitment lies in providing top-notch services that adhere to internationally recognised standards for assurance.