MyCO2 was the brainchild between CEO Louis Ooi and Lab manager Ms May Chong. It all started on June 18th 2006 as a simple laboratory and had turned into a chain of Successful independent laboratories.

You may wonder: Why the name MyCO2? What does it even mean? MyCO2 actually aims to create awareness on the carbon footprints of individual and industries.

      My / Mind

Carbon Dioxide     

MyCO2 conveys the message of reminding everyone about their CO2 emission (discharge). Nowadays, everyone is concerned about the environmental impacts which escalates into global warming caused by carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the entire combination of greenhouse gasses emission by human race. We encourage our customer to minimize carbon footprint by building awareness through our MyCO2 brand.

Vision & Tagline

Brand Vision 2018

The First-in-Mind Brand
for Assessment & Testing
in Malaysia  

Brand Promise

Reliable Services,
Global Recognition  

Brand Tagline

The Compliance Catalyst 

Brand Experience

Value-added Services,
Value for Money